Advent Eucharist and Christian Formation

Advent Eucharist and Christian Formation

You’re invited to travel the road to Bethlehem with us this Advent season at St. John’s!

Each Sunday, from November 27 through December 18, we will celebrate the Advent Eucharist from Enriching Our Worship, experiencing Advent with fresh language and images, at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. We invite you to stay for Coffee & Conversation, an informal time of fellowship following both services, and to take part in Christian Formation, at 9:15 a.m. in the library, on these dates:  

November 27 (1 Advent) — One of the consequences of the doctrine of the Incarnation is that human flesh is placed front and center in God’s plan of salvation. As such ALL humanity is blessed and divinized. Today Barb Andres, Executive Director of Episcopal Social Services, will lead a discussion among us about mental illness in our precariously-housed and homeless neighbors in Wichita, the crisis and the signs of hope.

December 11 (3 Advent) — The “O” Antiphons of Advent, Part One: These  musical titles for Christ (like O Root of Jesse, O King of the Nations, O Key of David) by an anonymous 13th century author were sung before the Magnificat at Vespers on the days before Christmas Eve. Let’s treasure them anew, letting them speak again of the deep human hunger for transcendence — God — in our lives.

December 18 (4 Advent) — The Year of Matthew: With the start of the liturgical year in this Advent season we now hear in Sunday worship Matthew’s version of the stories he inherited about the life and ministry of Jesus. Let’s discuss amongst ourselves.


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